Götz Reinicke - IT Koordinator
2014-04-15 12:04:17 UTC
we got a new server software, which sends messages for notifications.
But it currently attaches some files, which are marked by the spam rules.
I tried to whitemask/allow the files (in archives.filename.rules.conf)
and the sender address (in spam.whitelist.rules), but both fails.
I dont see why.
Any help and/or suggestion for solving this is welcome.
Thanks and regards . G?tz
G?tz Reinicke
Tel. +49 7141 969 82 420
E-Mail goetz.reinicke at filmakademie.de
Filmakademie Baden-W?rttemberg GmbH
Akademiehof 10
71638 Ludwigsburg
Eintragung Amtsgericht Stuttgart HRB 205016
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: J?rgen Walter MdL
Staatssekret?r im Ministerium f?r Wissenschaft,
Forschung und Kunst Baden-W?rttemberg
Gesch?ftsf?hrer: Prof. Thomas Schadt
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we got a new server software, which sends messages for notifications.
But it currently attaches some files, which are marked by the spam rules.
I tried to whitemask/allow the files (in archives.filename.rules.conf)
and the sender address (in spam.whitelist.rules), but both fails.
I dont see why.
Any help and/or suggestion for solving this is welcome.
Thanks and regards . G?tz
G?tz Reinicke
Tel. +49 7141 969 82 420
E-Mail goetz.reinicke at filmakademie.de
Filmakademie Baden-W?rttemberg GmbH
Akademiehof 10
71638 Ludwigsburg
Eintragung Amtsgericht Stuttgart HRB 205016
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: J?rgen Walter MdL
Staatssekret?r im Ministerium f?r Wissenschaft,
Forschung und Kunst Baden-W?rttemberg
Gesch?ftsf?hrer: Prof. Thomas Schadt
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